- No. 1 in harvest registration of soft fruits and asparagus
- Simple system for employees
- Direct contact with a specialist

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Harvest registration
Who does what, where, how much and for how long? GrowPro gives growers a complete picture of the harvest and the hours worked.
Time registration
Correct harvest and time registration prevents unrest among employees. Discussions with employees are a thing of the past.
Complete personnel file
All Human Resource matters in one system. From wages and breaks to night registration and insurances. This way you avoid problems with legislation.
Automated administration
Together we automate almost all your administration and registration work. This saves growers at least 1 hour a day.
Better staff performance
Giving insight into harvest performance leads to higher labor productivity and quality. Pay per kilo or per hour.
Scanners and scales
With reliable software and hardware we give growers live insight into the harvest and time registration per employee.
We know what it’s like in the field. With practical software solutions, tailored to your situation and working methods, together we can optimise your harvest and administrative processes. We call this automation with common sense. Get to know GrowPro: the system for harvest and labour registration that delivers insight, time and money and eliminates staffing concerns.
Your harvest can be measured in two ways: weighing on a mobile or fixed scale or counting packages. In the first case, GrowPro records the location and the type of packaging with a barcode scanner. The weighed harvest is then linked to the responsible employee via a personal barcode. In the second case, we count the filled packages.
With a barcode scanner and a unique barcode badge per employee, you keep a live record of everyone’s hours and harvest. The scanners and scales allow you to register your harvest quickly, easily and accurately in GrowPro. From crop, weight and packaging, to parcel, time and employee. Thanks to the high-speed label printer, you can use stickers to trace your products from the field to the processing location. This benefits quality control. You can pre-set all scanners simultaneously with certain product or field information. This speeds up the registration process even more.
This video shows you how GrowPro works in practice.
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GrowPro works with an annual subscription. The subscription consists of a fixed annual fee and a small amount per employee. The annual subscription ensures that not only large companies, but also small and medium-sized growers can make use of our high-quality software. Besides the annual subscription, it is also possible to rent or buy our scanners, tablets or scales.
View our subscription & productsGrowers have the most important profession in the world. They make sure the rest of us have enough, healthy food. We are GrowPro and we make growers’ lives easier. So that growers can spend as much time as possible doing what they love best: growing the best products. Our goal? A worry-free crop. Read more about how we are working towards this goal.
About us

Growers have the most important profession in the world. We are proud of our growers, make sure the rest of us have enough, healthy food. But who are these hero’s?
View our growers
Our registration expert is at your service
- No. 1 in harvest registration of soft fruits and asparagus
- Simple system for employees
- Direct contact with a specialist