Direct contact with a specialist
Number 1 in harvest registration of soft fruits and asparagus.
Simple system for employees
With GrowPro you know exactly how much each employee is harvesting. You also know who has harvested what. This way you can see the harvest performance in quantity and quality of all your employees. Your employees will also know exactly how much they’ve harvested. They no longer have to keep track of it themselves and they have confidence in the registration and in the remuneration. This prevents unrest and discussions.
GrowPro allows you to keep track of your hours. This gives you insight into the hours and costs per employee. In our experience, misunderstandings about the number of hours worked are a thing of the past. An additional advantage is that you always have a balanced timesheet and excess hours can be detected. This way you can avoid problems with the Working Hours Act. You can also easily add breaks and sick and leave days in the system and all data is easy to correct.
With GrowPro, you can see all performance in one practical overview; developed together with growers. In doing so, you can compare performance and effectiveness of individuals (and groups). For example, you can look at the weight harvested per person per unit of time, and the average productivity of someone of the same age. Thanks to GrowPro, you can praise employees or take action against those who are performing poorly. Sharing (privately or publicly) harvest performance leads to natural competition and usually to significantly higher labor productivity. With GrowPro, you can even choose to pay by the kilo instead of the hour. You’ll also gain insight into the yields and costs per plot.
Measuring = knowing and thanks to the cloud environment you have live insight anytime and anywhere. Both via the computer and via the app on your smartphone. Your employees register kilos or packages at the location where they harvest soft fruit or cut asparagus. This way you are informed 24/7 of the current harvest at any moment of the day. Thanks to the online and offline functionality, the registration process will always continue and your data will never be lost.

Our registration expert is at your service
- No. 1 in harvest registration of soft fruits and asparagus
- Simple system for employees
- Direct contact with a specialist